Blanca Iris Andreu Victor Alvarez Brunilda Veray


The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (EIWA, Wechsler, 1967) and the WAIS-Revised (WAIS-R, 1981) were administered to a matched group of 60 university students with an average age of 19.3. The compatibility of the WAIS and the WAIS-R was measured through the T test administered to paired groups. The results indicated that the intellectual quotient obtained by the students in the EIWA test were significantly greater than those in the WAIS-R. The average score of the intellectual quotient of three Scales showed to be superior for the EIWA group who obtained a 24.8 difference in the Verbal Scale IQ (VIQ), 17 points in the performance Scale IQ (PIQ) and 22 points in the Full Scale IQ (FSIQ)



Cómo citar
Estudio comparativo de la escala de inteligencia Wechsler para adultos y la escala de inteligencia Wechsler para adultos revisada en una población universitaria puertorriqueña. (2016). Revista Puertorriqueña De Psicologia, 7(1), 1-11.
Artículo de investigación

Cómo citar

Estudio comparativo de la escala de inteligencia Wechsler para adultos y la escala de inteligencia Wechsler para adultos revisada en una población universitaria puertorriqueña. (2016). Revista Puertorriqueña De Psicologia, 7(1), 1-11.