Giselle M. Medina Velez Nydia M. Cappas-Ortiz Angélica M. Montalvo-Santiago Yisel M. Torres-González Omar E. Alicea-Vélez Juan F. Rivera-Hernández Emily M. Pérez-Torres


The traditional healthcare system has turned toward an integrated model, leading to an increase ininterprofessional collaborations where psychologists are considered primary care providers. This is the case in many primary care specialties including pediatrics. This study explored the knowledge, use, and openness of 59 pediatricians with practice in Puerto Rico towards four pediatric screening instruments: Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status, Pediatric Symptom Checklist, Family Psychosocial Screening, and Modified Children Autism in Toddlers. Pediatricians answered questions regarding these screening instruments as well as their openness toward collaborations with mental health professionals. Results showed that 86% of the pediatricians interviewed knew little/nothing about these instruments and only 48% reported usingthem. Additionally, 83% reported willingness to receive training in these instruments, and 76% preferred assistance from a psychologist. Results are twofold, pointing to a simultaneous lack of knowledge regarding the existence and use of psycho-social screening instruments, and a willingness to be trained in this area. Results are discussed in terms of the potential opportunity to integrate psychologists within pediatric practice settings.  



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Cómo citar
Pediatricians’ Openness Toward Collaborations with Primary Care Psychologists. (2018). Revista Puertorriqueña De Psicologia, 29(1), 120-129.
Artículo de investigación

Cómo citar

Pediatricians’ Openness Toward Collaborations with Primary Care Psychologists. (2018). Revista Puertorriqueña De Psicologia, 29(1), 120-129.